Israel is the global nexus of subversive activity across the planet they have a massive network of operatives that conduct operations across the globe with the aim of furthering the long planned Jewish world takeover plot as outlined within the 'Protocols of Zion', a main part of this international network are the Sayanim or helpers, there are an estimated 2000 Sayanim in London alone the real figure is likely to be a lot higher.
Jewish sayanim were involved in the 911 attack and many were found to be working undercover as market and mall cart shopping assistants to disguise their real purpose, we must all be vigilant of Jews and should assume that they are all Mossad agents until proven otherwise.
Sayanim Definition:
Sayanim (Hebrew: helpers, assistants) is a term used to describe a loose network of Jews living outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad.
According to former Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky and author Thomas Gordon, the sayanim provide assistance of various kinds to Mossad officers operating in foreign countries. This assistance can include facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering. However, sayanim are not directly involved in the intelligence operation in question, and are only paid for their expenses.
No official number is known, but estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands.
The existence of this large body of volunteers allows the costs of intelligence gathering to be greatly reduced, and may be one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer case officers than fellow intelligence agencies.

Type of Organisation:Nation State
Activation date:Declaration of Independence May 14, 1948
Official Function:Homeland for Jewish people
List of Crimes
- The list of crimes committed by Israel is too long so only the top five will be listed
- Committing and sponsoring acts of terror, King David Hotel, Lavon affair, USS Liberty, 911, 7/7, Madrid Bombing (and many more)
- Genocide against the Palestinian population, Violation of Palestinians human rights, false imprisonment of Palestinians, general abuse of Palestinian people
- Infiltrating governments, corporations, charities, foundations and every other known type of organistion; subversion of these organisation through blackmail, extortion, bribery, kidnapping, murder, coersion etc.
- Starting wars globally, Six-day War, Bombing Lebanon 2006, Iraq 1991, Iraq 2003, Afganistan 2001 (and many more)
- Using the resources of their nation state to propagate the agenda of the global Jewish crime network, utilizing political, military, economic, technological means and all other resources at their disposal.
Threat level
Category One (The Enemy of all humanity)
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