Many of the groups listed below exercise more influence over the British government than the voting public, the vote only gives us a say once every 4/5 years, while some of those listed below are not that influential many are extremely influential and have direct access to our government all the time giving them more power than the voting public, most current and past members of our government prior to joining government were members of one or more of these think tanks, its also a known fact that these think tanks are funded via charities/foundations etc. which are known fronts for the global Zionist crime network and some of the think tanks such as Chatham House, Fabian Society etc. are under direct instruction from the Zionist criminals, its no coincidence that reports published by the main think tanks always seem able to forecast coming events and changes in our society, it is because they are the ones who tell the government what to do, ministers that don't comply are ruined by the Zionist controlled media while those who do comply are made into heroes, listed below are the known subversive think tanks who are directly assisting the Zionist plot to ruin our society and enslave us under global one world socialist government.
* Adam Smith Institute
* Association for the Commonwealth Realms
* BioCentre: the Centre for Bioethics and Public Policy
* Bow Group
* Boyd Group
* Bruges Group
* Catalyst
* Centre for Associative Economics
* Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion
* Centre for Defence and International Security Studies
* Centre for the Economics of Education
* Centre for Economic Policy Research
* Centre for Enterprise
* Centre for European Reform
* Centre for Future Studies
* Centre for Local Economic Strategies
* Centre for Muslim Affairs
* Centre for Social Justice
* Centre for Policy Studies
* CentreForum
* Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation
* Chatham House - The Royal Institute of International Affairs
* Commonwealth Policy Studies Institute
* Conflicts Forum
* The Constitution Unit
* Demos
* Ekklesia
* Electoral Reform Society
* European Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism
* Fabian Society
* Federal Trust
* Foreign Policy Centre
* Foresight and Futurology Unit, a BT Group think tank
* Global Ideas Bank
* Global Vision
* Globalisation Institute
* Gold Mercury International
* Green Alliance
* Hansard Society
* Henley Centre
* The Henry Jackson Society
* Imperial Economics
* Involve
* Institute for Fiscal Studies
* Institute for Government
* Institute for Public Policy Research
* Institute for Social Inventions
* Institute of Advanced Study
* Institute of Economic Affairs
* Institute of Race Relations
* Institute of Welsh Affairs
* International Institute for Environment and Development
* International Institute for Strategic Studies
* International Policy Network
* Joseph Rowntree Foundation
* Jubilee Centre
* King's Fund
* Local Government Information Unit
* LondonSays
* Migration Watch UK
* National Centre for Social Research
* National Institute of Economic and Social Research
* NESTA Policy & Research Unit
* New Economics Foundation
* New Health Network
* New Local Government Network
* New Policy Institute
* New Politics Network
* Nuffield Trust
* Open Europe
* Overseas Development Institute
* Oxford Research Group
* Policy Exchange / Localis
* Policy Network
* Policy Studies Institute
* Politeia
* Progressive Vision
* RAND Europe, an independent division of the RAND Corporation
* Reform
* Reform Scotland
* Relationships Foundation
* Regulatory Policy Institute
* Royal Air Force Centre for Air Power Studies
* Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies
* RSA - Royal Society of Arts
* Scottish Constitutional Commission
* Scottish Council Foundation
* Scottish Policy Innovation Forum (SPIF)
* Selsdon Group
* Smith Institute
* Social Affairs Unit
* Social Market Foundation
* SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex
* Stockholm Network
* SustainAbility
* The Do Tank
* Theos, a public theology think tank
* TripleGem - the Buddhist think tank
* Unlock Democracy
* Young Fabians
* Young Foundation
* Work Foundation
* Weidenfeld Institute for Strategic Dialogue
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